BulleX $BLX
Binance Smart Chain:
BulleX is revolutionising the way you earn passive income.
Putting our holders at the centre of everything we do, maximising your income streams and restoring faith in the BSC community.
BulleX is a Hyper-Deflationary Buy-Back token that automatically rewards holders with BNB
Hold BulleX in your wallet and watch as BNB gets distributed amongst all holders within within 30 minute intervals. Our Rewards Pool ensures that rewards remain flowing should there be low volume.
It doesn’t stop there – the BulleX contract buys back any sells to the degree of up to 10BNB at a time. You will never see 2 sells at once.
Our 2000 Hard Cap Pre-Sale SOLD OUT IN UNDER 20 SECONDS 🙌🏻
Telegram 🗣 www.t.me/bullextoken
website 🌐 www.bullextoken.com
Buy on Pancake Swap ➡️ https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x9612F89F32c8A8419bE7a65358e485b76Db2d7f4