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🌲🌲Welcome to SaveTrees (SVTR) on Matic Network🌲🌲

🎄🎄SaveTrees is the seed for the Hardwood Cryptocurrency Ecosystem, has RFI tokenomics; an auto-liquidity generating protocol

🌱 RFI model. Tokens burnt with every transaction
🌳5% fee for yield and 5% fee for liquidity
🌴Redeemable for Hardwood Stablecoin Upon launch of contract
🌲 All liquidity tokens burned in a forest fire
🌱No Presale, Fair Launch
🌲5 trees already planted! https://tree-nation.com/trees/view/1832768
🌱 We are nurturing a seed for more trees to be planted, please visit and give it some water! https://tree-nation.com/seeds/view/1832776
🌳 Live Market Cap and Rating: https://polyshit.com/

🌲🌲Listed on 3 decentralized exchanges🌲🌲

🌳🌳White Paper: https://hardwoodcrypto.gitbook.io/hardwood/🌳🌳

🌱Telegram: @hardwoodstablecoin
🌱Carbon Neutral Website: https://www.treetable.org/hardwood
🌱Twitter: https://twitter.com/HStablecoin
🌱Medium: https://medium.com/@hardwoodstablecoin
🌱Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/HardwoodCrypto
🌱GitHub: https://github.com/TerexitariusStomp

🌲🌲Our yield farm on Polaris Defi currently has over a 500% APR https://poly.polarisdefi.io/🌲🌲

Direct buy links:
Quickswap 🌴 https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x95b9Df02dD221ae75C30cE95340e05611d4dc357
Polyzap 🌴https://swap.polyzap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x95b9Df02dD221ae75C30cE95340e05611d4dc357
DFYN 🌴https://exchange.dfyn.network/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x95b9Df02dD221ae75C30cE95340e05611d4dc357

🌲🌲Contract id: 0x95b9Df02dD221ae75C30cE95340e05611d4dc357🌲🌲

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