Codex CDX
Binance Smart Chain:
Codex was developed to be a trustworthy financial tool for everyone in the crypto-community with a fantastic ninja RPG game use case. From day one transparency has been our priority, that’s why we conduct frequent Zoom AMAs.
Our mission is to connect people, making wealth for our investors and delivering a strong platform driven by the enthusiasm of our team and community. Not to mention, create some kick-ass content along the way; including a ninja RPG game…
Hard facts /Tokenomics
There were Codex
50 % burned: 500.
11 % Anti-whale system:
– 5 % fee = redistributed to all existing holders
– 5 % fee = back to LP
– 1 % fee = auto burn with every transaction
– frequent zoom AMAs
– transparent team
– use case in booming gaming industry
– ownership renounced
– LP Tokens are burned forever