shogunShiba SHOGUNSHIB
Binance Smart Chain:
SHOGUN SHIBA – Killer meme-Bigger dream
A Vibrant Decentralised Ecosystem
Shogun Shiba is a new dog in the crypto empire inspired by his brother Shiba INU. Shogun Shiba is a military dictator birthed by the online Shiba fan community. Shogun Shiba looks cute! Isn’t he? But don’t go by his looks. He seeks to impress his brother Shiba INU by waging a war against slippage by starting his very own zero slippage decentralised exchange (DEX) called RYOGAE (Japanese term for exchange). Shogunshib token is hyper deflationary with functions like BURN, AUTO–LP & STATIC REFLECTIONS that rewards holders and gives SPECIAL REWARDS to DAIMYOS.